It's time to take your product-based brand to the next level. Whether you’re looking for a rebrand or starting another biz from scratch, we're here to revolutionize your brand. Step into the spotlight with a brand that's as bold and unforgettable as you are.

are you ready?

ig Brand

Bigger Strategy


It's time to take your product-based brand to the next level. Whether you’re looking for a rebrand or starting another biz from scratch, we're here to revolutionize your brand.

You pour your heart and soul into perfecting your products, prepping pretty packaging, and building your inventory so that when the customers come you’re ready to make bank. But the problem is… prospects come and they leave without making a purchase.

Sure, aesthetics are a big deal, but it’s your brand strategy that… 

Your business has so much potential and you know your products deserve to be seen.

Pretty Branding          Won’t Cut It!


Enter Big Brand, Bigger Strategy

Let's go Bold

A curated experience that transforms your idea into a profitable brand, with strategy infused into every facet of your launch. Diving deep into the essence of your vision, amplifying it with strategic branding and design that speaks, sells, and stands out.

Attracts the right audience.

Builds instant and emotional connections.

Carries consistent brand messaging that builds unforgettable brands.

Most people think, “I have a fire business idea - I need to get it off the ground.” then immediately jump to creating a logo, and posting on their socials. 

But let me tell you why this is a problem:

Skipping market research leaves you blind to who your market really is and what they desire. Without competitor analysis, you overlook what truly sets you apart, missing the opportunity to stand out. And without these deep insights, your products and messaging will fail to connect.

And the truth is… this is why most business fail…

As a business owner, you should ALWAYS lead with brand strategy first, and brand strategy all the way through, period

The best-kept-secret held by big brands you know and love is… brand strategy.

Here's The         Sis


Girl, give me the strategy

Come on, don’t be shy

Tell Me If This

sounds like you?

OMG, this is me

You know your products are amazing, but you’re having a hard time making sales.

You have a logo or pretty branding in place, but your brand still feels invisible.

You have no idea how to connect with the right audience and build a loyal tribe.

Your messaging is super inconsistent and you can’t seem to communicate your value.

You’re actually able to identify brand strategy as the much-needed missing piece in your puzzle.

You’ve gained confidence in your brand and messaging, which now reflect the quality of your products.

Your tribe finally found you, and they’re obsessed—when you speak, they speak back and purchase, too.


        top Playing With Your Brand

No more scoping out your competitors, feeling frustrated with your broken brand, or feeling the constant need to start over again—without understanding what’s missing.

Go from copy-cat to trendsetter

and invest in strategy

Please, upgrade me 

Instead, picture this…

Your whole brand is a vibe with consistent messaging and visual identity across all platforms.

In just a few weeks, I'll have you up and running with a Powerhaus brand that will help you grow and scale in a way that’s authentically you.

Start Bold

Start Today


Big Brand, Bigger Strategy works for the girlies who are ready to put in the work. Our framework is for product-based businesses like yours, ready to use brand strategy to transform their brand, the lavish way!

and walk away with...



A fully developed brand and messaging strategy ignites confidence in presenting yourself to the world and standing out against your competitors.

Market and Brand Analysis: Includes comprehensive market research, detailed audience profiling, and competitive analysis.

Brand Foundations: Development of mission, vision, values, along with defining brand archetype, personality, voice, and tone.

Strategic Positioning & Messaging: Crafting of brand positioning, unique selling proposition, and key messaging themes.

Guidelines Document: Comprehensive brand strategy and messaging guidelines.

Implementation Roadmap: Customized plan for rolling out the new brand strategy.

Market and Brand Analysis: Includes comprehensive market research, detailed audience profiling, and competitive analysis.

Brand Foundations: Development of mission, vision, values, along with defining brand archetype, personality, voice, and tone.

Strategic Positioning & Messaging: Crafting of brand positioning, unique selling proposition, and key messaging themes.

Guidelines Document: Comprehensive brand strategy and messaging guidelines.

Implementation Roadmap: Customized plan for rolling out the new brand strategy.



A fully developed brand and messaging strategy, accessorized with an eye-catching brand identity to boost your brand’s recognition.

Everything in tier 1 (Brand Strategy) +

Brand Identity & Design: Creative direction and mood board creation, color palette selection, typography research, Font Pairing and a complete logo suite.

Brand Assets: Includes brand patterns And Textures, Product Packaging Design and actionable mockups.

Guidelines Document: Comprehensive Brand Identity, Brand Strategy And Messaging Guidelines.

Implementation Roadmap: Customized Plan For Rolling Out The New Brand Strategy and identity.

Everything in tier 1 (Brand Strategy) +

Brand Identity & Design: Creative direction and mood board creation, color palette selection, typography research, Font Pairing and a complete logo suite.

Brand Assets: Includes brand patterns And Textures, Product Packaging Design and actionable mockups.

Guidelines Document: Comprehensive Brand Identity, Brand Strategy And Messaging Guidelines.

Implementation Roadmap: Customized Plan For Rolling Out The New Brand Strategy and identity.



Brand Strategy: 3-4 Weeks

Brand Strategy & Identity: 6-8 Weeks

Brand Strategy: 3-4 Weeks

Brand Strategy & identity: 6-8 Weeks

01/ Brand Strategy Deep Dive

02/ Blueprinting Your Brand’s Master Plan

03/ Your Brand Gets Its Glow-Up


      ow Powerhaus

Brands are built

04/ The Grand Debut

Starting with a deep dive into your brand and its potential, we identify the unique opportunities and gaps in the market. We look into market trends and conduct a thorough competitor analysis to ensure your brand stands out. By understanding your audience inside and out, we tailor a strategy that resonates deeply, ensuring your brand not only enters the market but makes a lasting impact.

In our Brand Strategy Workshop, we map out the core of your brand—its identity, values, and the unique propositions that set you apart. After this, our Messaging Mastery session crafts compelling words that capture the hearts of your audience, ensuring your brand's story isn't just heard, but felt and remembered.

This is where your brand's visual identity comes to life, from a distinctive logo to a captivating color palette and design elements that make your brand irresistible. We create a variety of eye-catching graphics and content that not only looks good but speaks volumes, ensuring your brand's visual presence is as strong as its strategic foundation.

Your product's journey is aligned meticulously with your brand strategy, from pricing to positioning, ensuring a seamless introduction to the market. We ensure consistent messaging across all platforms, building a cohesive brand experience that's unmistakably yours. The launch isn't just about putting your brand out there—it's about making a statement, turning heads, and leaving a mark that lasts.

With this process, you're not just building a brand; you're creating an experience, a legacy that's bold, unforgettable, and uniquely yours.

Sold-pick my start date

Here's a sneak peak 

Big Brand, Bigger Strategy is hands-down, the most comprehensive branding solution available for product-based brands.

The question is are you ready to…

We're Ready To Take You

up a notch or two

Ready’s not the word

Build the money-making brand of your dreams.

Set your brand's blueprint by defining who you are, what you stand for, and why you exist.

Claim your visual authority with a brand that turns heads and consistently shows up.

Exercise your messaging power with compelling narratives and key messages that stick.

Drop your brand arsenal of killer visuals, graphics and content that make your brand pop.

I know we probably haven’t met (yet) but, let me save you the trouble of experiencing another failed brand launch. Trust me and my team to bring you through this journey, because lavish launch does not disappoint!

Just leave your brand strategy to us 

Let Your Brand Work For You

24/7... so you don't have to

my brand needs this

(tier 2) $3499

(tier 1) $1999

brand strategy

brand strategy & Identity


                    24/7... so you don't have to

A true girl’s girl!





partner in strategy

When I launched my brand, all I had was a logo, like most. 

Although I had created brand strategies for others, I never got around to doing it for myself. Like many business owners, I neglected to prioritize my own strategy from the get-go.

Having a logo was a step in the right direction, but if I wanted a brand that stands out from the crowd and speaks directly to my target audience, I knew I had to take it a few steps further.

So with that being said - I really went to work on my messaging. I wanted to ensure our audience understood our new focus, who we serve, and that our offers were clear as day. 

I also upgraded my visual identity to complement the new brand strategy in place. There was no point of holding on to a logo that wasn’t backed by strategy.

I took all the necessary steps to ensure my brand strategy was rock solid and ready to drive my path of growth.

Not only did this help my audience resonate with my brand better, but I felt like I did too.

Brand strategy isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the backbone of your brand's success. It guides every aspect of your business, from how you communicate with your audience to the products or services you offer. 

Without a clear strategy, your brand can get lost in the noise of the market.

I used this very framework to transform my brand, and now I want to help you do it too!

i need this!

I was able to launch with amazing results and visuals and stepped out of my comfort zone with new colors and branding.

Hire them now, find the money - no matter what!


Our new identity resonates well with customers, the branded food trailer serves as a moving billboard, and our merch line, not only promotes but also integrates the brand into everyday wear.

Lavish has transformed my company into a memorable brand.


I loved my experience and really feel grateful to be a part of the Lavish Launch family.

There are so many small businesses that need Lavish’s help.


Before I was just taking pictures and hoping for engagement. But now I am thinking about content strategy. I want to do it and I don’t want to do it wrong, so I have to figure it out.

This experience has made me step it up!


From                     Entrepreneurs Who Made Their                      A Reality!

From                    Entrepreneurs Who Made Their                      A Reality!




our questions,                   



Learn everything you need to know about our brand magic. Check out our FAQs for the rundown.

What is brand strategy and why does a girl need one?

Brand strategy? It’s the genius plan behind making your brand the talk of the town. It’s your brand’s DNA—its mission, values, and the secret sauce that sets you apart. Why you need it? Because darling, in the world of brands, being unforgettable isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. A killer brand strategy ensures your brand doesn’t just show up; it makes a grand entrance every time, connecting with hearts, sparking loyalty, and driving your empire’s expansion. It’s not just about being seen; it’s about being remembered.

I’ve got a logo. Isn’t that enough?

Unfortunately not—a logo is just the beginning. It’s like having the perfect pair of heels but no outfit to match. Your logo might catch their eye, but your brand strategy wins their hearts and minds. It dives deep, beyond the surface, ensuring your brand’s story, vision, and values are clear, compelling, and utterly irresistible. So, yes, you need a brand strategy to give your logo the powerhaus backing it deserves.

Brand strategy vs. visual identity: What’s the difference?

Here’s the facts: Brand strategy is your brand’s soul. It’s the vibe you’re sending out to the world. It’s why you wake up in the morning and why people should care. Visual identity? That’s your brand’s aesthetics and style—the looks, the allure, the visual charisma that turns heads. Strategy whispers into the ear of your audience; visual identity makes sure they can’t look away—together, they make your brand unstoppable.

Is it necessary to develop my brand strategy and visual identity at the same time?

This is your show, and you call the shots. Want to strategize and get your visual aesthetics down at once? Go for it. Some find it beneficial to lay the strategic groundwork first, then return to bring their brand to life visually. Our approach is flexible and tailored to suit your brand’s specific needs, ensuring a cohesive and impactful brand presentation at every step.

Is this whole branding thing just for me, or is it for my audience too?

Babe, this is where the magic lies—it’s for both of you. For you, it’s about owning your space, being the master of your narrative, and lighting up the market with your unique brand identity. For your audience, it’s about seeing your light and feeling like you’re speaking directly to their souls. It’s a love story, really. You captivate, they fall hard. End of story.

Is this service customized for my brand, or is it one-size-fits-all?

Listen, you’re one of a kind, and your brand deserves nothing less than a lavish experience. This isn’t off-the-rack; it’s tailor-made, darling. We dive deep into what makes you tick, your wildest dreams, and how you see the world. Then we craft a brand strategy and visual identity so uniquely you, it’ll feel like looking in a mirror. Generic? Never heard of her. This is all about bringing your unique flavor to the feast. And if you’re shopping for more we have several a la-carte items available to enhance your experience.

Forget playing it safe; it's time to turn your brand into the powerhaus it's meant to be with Big Brand, Bigger Strategy. This is where the ordinary becomes extraordinary. We're talking about a brand that doesn’t just exist but dominates, oozing confidence and strategic genius at every turn. Ready to be the name on everyone’s lips? Let’s create a brand that’s as fearless and unforgettable as you are, leading the charge and setting the trends in your industry.

It's my time to shine

From Under-the-Radar to Unforgettable

Leave The

brand strategy to us

The World deserves to experience your products

Let’s Bring Your Brand

front and center!

Complete this form to join us on a brand-changing transformation. Give us 1-2 days tops and we’ll schedule a free discovery call book to lock in your new brand.